‘The basis of the philosophy of clothing and fashion, i.e. the well-dressed person’s inner worth is demonstrated and/or increased by the magnificence of the wrapping which surrounds his or her person’
Gell, A 1993, Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology; Cultural Forms, Wrapping in Images;Tatooing in Polynesia, Oxford University Press
I thought this was an interesting way of describing the feelings one would have when being wrapped – the action and/or imprint(shadow) of this on the body.
Can the Feeling of compression or touch on the skin be a shadow of the wrapping/dressing, not just the physical marks?
A shadow – A feeling (or imprint) after an action; this could be physical or psychological
A shadow has been made by the material onto the body – but if it doesn’t leave a physical imprint on the body can you still feel that it has left you feeling imprinted somehow?
If there was compression on the body this still means there was a shadow left? Even if we cant see it?
Some Artists and Images of interest:
Christo and Jeanne Claude:
Their work is more about altering the environment than wrapping itself.
The Wrapped Reichstag, Christo

Wrapping himself:
Wound Wrapping:
www.zulunine.com/firstaid/ fluidcont/eb/eb.html
flickr.com/photos/ clonpop/1395256350/
Wrapping objects myself:
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