Feeling + Substance = Dress
Or does dress mean satisfaction? Being dressed is a feeling of satisfaction to some, or even modesty. To me, feeling dressed is about feeling comfortable myself (in what I am wearing, whether this be clothing, makeup, moisturizer, deodorant, perfume etc. )
Some interpretations of my dress from my materials workshop……
A very frustrating materialto use or make any real shape out of, except tubular shapes.
This made some interesting shapes, reminds me of making snow fairies.
Icing Sugar:
I particularly liked ‘wearing’(eating) this material
Studio homework: One Material, one garment and 4 different Responses:
Using PVC (in 4mm pipe and a garden soaker hose) I am attempting to create a basic tailored jacket.
Jacket outline:
This becomes like a Skelton to the jacket form, using pipe connecters to create the shape.
Soaker hose:
This was a much thicker and less-pliable PVC to use.. but gives a interesting shape curving away from the body.
PVC collar:
Concentrating on one aspect of the garment and building up the layers of pipe to create the collar.
Body Wrapping:

I really enjoyed this, not only because my brother was uncooperative and thought it was ridiculous but also because it was such a long way of getting dressed. i couldn’t do this to my own body because it wasn’t tight enough and kept falling down, this reminded me of corsetry and the act of dressing the lady (except it was my brother and he was complaining of the pipe being too tight rather than the corset and it didn’t make him skinnier just more annoyed)
The act of wrapping the body as a way of dressing I found intriguing, especially in history such as mummification and in first aid of the body with dressing(a wound). These acts of dressing are something that you cannot perform yourself - which is interesting in itself as dressing is something that most people do not want to waste time on, everything is becoming fast, easy and something someone could do on their own. Could the act of dressing become a performance that we would want to prolong and enjoy?
This leads me to my first response to Shadow…..
Wrapping the body; Compression and Imprint
Using the 4mm piping as a way of dressing the skin or wound, confining one place rather than dressing the body entirely.
The compression on the skin made these marks which faded fairly quickly - each mark depended on the pressure on that particular area. Can the compression and imprinting left on the skin after being wrapped be the shadow of your dressing? A shadow is something that follows the former, could this also be a mental shadow not just a physical shadow?
I came across this clip of a artist I like Delphic. The dress and wrapping of the body I found to be so beautiful and effective, which relates well to the research I have started to do into wrapping.
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